Fireplaces & Fire-pits
Fireplace & Fire-pit Installations In Edmonton
Earthworx Landscape Construction Ltd. is a full service all in-one landscaping solution based in Edmonton, Alberta. We specialize in Fireplace and Fire-pit construction and installations.
Outdoor fire-pits
Keeping you warm on a cool evening, Introducing a flickering flame to your patio is a great way to extend and encourage your patio’s use. Adding a fire-pit to your property’s landscape will help extend the enjoyment of your backyard for you and your guests. A fire-pit can act as the focal point of your entire landscape when executed properly, creating a natural gathering spot for socializing, entertaining, and relaxation. We can construct and install several different styles and types of fire-pits and fire tables to fit your unique style.
Outdoor Fireplaces
If you are feeling more attached to your outdoor design, a built in fire place might fit the bill. An advantage to built-in fireplaces as opposed to fire-pits is that they are protected from the elements such as wind, which can kick ups embers and shift the direction of the smoke. Built-in fireplaces offer an extra boost of aesthetic appeal that a free-standing fire pit won't. Installing one will also add value to your outdoor living space.