Artificial Turf
Artificial Turf & Putting Greens In Edmonton & Surrounding Areas
Earthworx Landscape Construction Ltd. is a full service all in-one landscaping solution based in Edmonton, Alberta. We specialize in Artificial turf as an alternative to grass lawns.
Artificial turf installations are inclined to have a larger upfront installation cost than Regular sod or over-seeding alternatives, however keeping a healthy lawn costs you time and money. Fertilizers keep the grass green but not the inner pocket of your wallet. Lawn maintenance services are convenient however certainly not cheap, if you are without a lawn service provider then you lose your free time on the weekends, pay high fuel prices and maintain expensive lawn equipment. What is that worth? It’s time to cut your high water bills, lose the expenses of maintenance.
Our Artificial turf installations are designed to help you control all the costs associated with maintaining your lawn and give you the perfect green lawn you’ve always wanted.
We know that pet owners want the very best for their pets, which is why we supply artificial grass materials made specifically for pet areas so you and your pet can enjoy the many benefits that our artificial turf installation has to offer. Our pet systems feature a premium drainage rate as well as odor-eliminating infill so you and your family can enjoy the area as well.
Artificial turf installations that we do:
Playground Areas
Rooftops & Patios
Front & Back Lawns
And Much More!